Automotive Technician

Opportunity is HS EARN Indiana eligible

Last Updated:May 24th, 2024

Evans Toyota

Automotive Technician

Type: In Person
Location: Fort Wayne
Application Due Date: Aug. 10, 2024
Starts: Aug. 11, 2024
Structure: Standard
Full Time
Part Time


The intern will be mentored by the Shop Foreman. 

The Shop Foreman will train the intern on the use of shop tools and equipment.

The intern will be performing service maintenance and repairs based upon his/her skill level under the supervision of the Shop Foreman.

The intern will be expected to show improvement on both the quality and quantity of work performed.

The intern will be monitored for attendance, conduct and attitude while at work. 

The Shop Foreman will work closely with the intern on safety awareness in the shop.



Changing oil

Rotating Tires 


Changing Tires 

Fluid Exchanges 



Pursuing a high school education 


Work Ethics 

Self Motivated 

Problem Solver 

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