Physical Therapy Technician (HS Winchester)

Opportunity is HS EARN Indiana eligible

Last Updated:Jul 17th, 2024

Adams Physical Therapy Services Inc.

Physical Therapy Technician (HS Winchester)

Category: Health Science
Type: In Person
Location: Winchester
Application Due Date: Aug. 2, 2024
Starts: Aug. 5, 2024
Structure: Standard
Full Time
Part Time


Physical therapy is a branch of care that focuses on restoring and rehabilitating one’s physical health. It is a conservative method addressing the treatment, healing, prevention and education of injuries and physical impairments. At Adams Physical Therapy, we provide hands-on therapy for a broad range of conditions and disorders. We provide service to all age groups from pediatric to geriatric and all ages in between. We specialize in the treatment of orthopedic conditions and we are well equipped to address both neurological and various types of geriatric issues. 

Interns will receive supervision, training and mentorship from our trained, experienced physical therapists. The learning goals for the intern are to first hand witness the methods used to provide rehabilitation for a variety of issues as the staff wholistically evaluates the patient. The intern will be exposed to how we treat the underlying source of the physical health need and the various hands-on care, quick-release techniques, targeted-therapeutic exercise, and the use of applied modalities to eliminate pain, promote healing while striving to restore the patient’s body’s function and movement.


Physical Therapy Technician Duties:

Escort patient back to treatment area

Assist Therapist with treatment

Record treatments as required by the Therapist

Review home exercises with patient

Clean the treatment workstation after the patient

Clean any equipment used during the treatment session


Administrative Duties:

Confirm next day’s schedule with patients

Assist Patient Services Manager with any copying or faxing


The intern should have a willingness to learn more about physical therapy. The intern must be able to take direction and perform assigned tasks.

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