Welcome to Indiana INTERNnet’s Blog, “Indiana INTERNnation”! Our blog will feature internship related articles and advice for all Indiana employers, students, and educators.
Our blog will be updated three times a week on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. We will post employer related articles on Mondays, student related articles on Wednesdays, and educator related articles on Fridays. We will also be featuring both student and employer reflections as students begin their internships and employers host and mentor their interns.
Each month we will have a theme for the blog’s content, which we will announce in the previous month’s newsletter. Let us know if you would like to contribute to the next month’s blog.
Of course, don’t forget to use our free online database to post internships and search for internship opportunities in Indiana! Visit <a href=”https://www.workandlearnindiana.com/”>www.workandlearnindiana.com</a>.
What exactly is Indiana INTERNnet?
Indiana INTERNnet is an internship-matching program linking employers, students, high schools, colleges and universities by providing both high-tech and high-touch support. It is a powerful high-tech Web-based search, matching and reporting system coupled with “high touch” personal assistance, a toll-free hotline to answer questions and provide internship guidance, resource materials, creating or expanding high quality internship opportunities within the state.
Indiana INTERNnet was formed in 2001, shortly after a series of Indiana Chamber – led studies that demonstrated the state’s “brain drain” issue. The Greater Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce initiated and operated the program in partnership with the University of Indianapolis. With continued funding from the Lilly Endowment, in May 2004, the organization was granted 501(c)3 tax exempt status and was moved to the Indiana Chamber, the state’s largest business advocacy organization.
“We believe that internships afford a great opportunity for companies to introduce themselves to prospective employees and we will be encouraging increased participation by the state’s business community,” offered Indiana Chamber President Kevin Brinegar.