Winter Finals Are Coming

It’s beginning to feel a lot like winter, and finals are coming. Since you don’t have dragons like Daenerys Targaryen, you’ll have to slay those exams on your own. Fear not, my friends, we have excellent tips to help you survive winter finals.


Prepare for Battle
Gather all of your class notes and study material and actually review it. If your professor provides a study guide, use it as a tool to map out your studies. You should schedule a few times for studying the week before the exam to prevent cramming it in the night before. Find a quiet spot in the library to study alone, or form a study group to divide and conquer the material.


Ask Questions
If you are struggling with a concept or think your notes might be incorrect, ask your professor or a fellow student. Some professors will even dedicate a class session to review the materials and answer questions. You should take full advantage to this opportunity to better prepare yourself for the exam.


Don’t Stress Out
Stress is the ultimate enemy of college students (all adults, actually). When you’re stressing about the exam, it can be difficult to focus and retain information. Be sure to take short breaks throughout your studies to reward yourself and keep your stress level down. It can also help to do something enjoyable and relaxing the night before the exam: watch a movie, eat at your favorite restaurant, exercise, etc.


Congratulations on completing the semester! Hopefully you passed your final exams and are one step (or more) closer to graduation. Relax and enjoy your time off before spring semester starts so you can be fresh for the new year!








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