Virtual Summer Events for Interns

Iā€™m so excited to announce that I am back on the Indiana INTERNnet team for the summer! If you remember my name, you know I was an intern last year through the summer and fall semesters. I am now back as the interim program assistant. It’s good to be back.

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted many internships around the state. Despite the challenges, employers throughout Indiana arenā€™t letting this stop professional development. Instead, theyā€™re providing virtual opportunities as they strive to prepare the stateā€™s future workforce.

Indiana INTERNet and other Indiana organizations are offering free events to enjoy from the comfort of your own home while learning from career professionals in a wide range of areas. Young professionals can use these opportunities to understand and develop new skills by understanding personal branding, learning how to utilize LinkedIn and much more.

While these experiences may be different than what many are accustomed to, theyā€™re a beneficial way to utilize this time to grow personally and professionally.

In 2019, Indiana INTERNnet and other employers throughout the state hosted a handful of amazing professional development events throughout the summer. These virtual events are an ideal way to learn and expand your internship experience from anywhere in the state. With topics like financial literacy, implicit biases in the workplace and understanding your strengths, interns can utilize these resources to aid in the preparation of their future.

If you were able to attend any events last year or read previous blog posts, you know the importance of taking these small steps to grow within your position.

Make sure you visit our events page to register and learn more about available opportunities.

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