News Archives

Work and Learn Indiana Spotlights Success With Impact Awards

This press release was originally published on the Indiana Chamber web site. 

February 13, 2025 (INDIANAPOLIS) — Work-based learning has become a key component in building and diversifying Indiana’s talent pipeline, which is critical to moving the state forward. Internships and mentoring are key.

Work and Learn Indiana (WLI) celebrated those involved in promoting, creating and cultivating on-the-job experiences today at its Indiana Work-Based Learning Conference in Noblesville featuring the 19th Annual Impact Awards. The event honors Hoosier work-based learners, employers, innovative programs, work-based learning supervisors and career development professionals.

The Indiana Work-Based Learning Conference is a convening of best practices and sharing of ideas toward growth and partnership within workforce and education. There were more than 100 Impact Awards nominations spanning the categories.


Work-Based Learner of the Year (College): Lian Fernandez: Marian University (Indianapolis), Girls Inc. of Greater Indianapolis Work-Based Learner of the Year (High School): Lucas Harth: Perry Central Junior 

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Nominations Open for 19th Annual Impact Awards

Impact Awards nominations are now open! The Impact Awards Luncheon celebrates work-based learning excellence in Indiana, and is a featured part of our annual Indiana Work-Based Learning Conference. Nominations are now open in the following categories: Work-Based Learner of the Year (formerly Intern of the Year): Recognizes a work-based learner that made a positive impact in their role, showed growth in leadership skills and always expressed professionalism in the workplace. There are three categories: college, high school and adult. Career Development Professional of the Year: Celebrates assistance to learners with work-based learning/internship opportunities, communication with learners/employers, and coaching learners on work-based learning professionalism and career development. This is broken into three categories: college, high school, and adult learner. Outstanding Employer of the Year: Honors a successful approach to a work-based learning program, formation of meaningful project work, and providing learners with professional mentoring and networking opportunities. Employers are permitted to nominate themselves. 

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Introducing New Webinars for Indiana Intern Week!

In case you missed it, Indiana Intern Day is July 25, 2024! Work and Learn Indiana and the Indiana Commission for Higher Education created the occasion to celebrate Hoosier interns and work-based learning programs. We encourage employers, educators and intermediaries to make the pledge to participate!

This year, we’re introducing participation opportunities for those interested in creating or improving work-based learning programs. Register for our free webinars occurring in the week leading up to Indiana Intern Day!

Indiana Latino Institute Work-Based Learning Workshop

7/23/2024, 12-12:30 p.m. (EDT)
Virtual via Zoom

Join us for a free informative workshop hosted by the Indiana Latino Institute (ILI) where they will delve into the details of their internship program, highlighting the significant benefits of partnering with their organization.

Employers will gain insights into the program’s structure and discover the streamlined process for becoming a partner, ultimately enhancing their workforce and fostering future industry 

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Celebrate Indiana Intern Day July 25, 2024!

We’re excited to announce the sixth annual Indiana Intern Day! The annual social media campaign and day of recognition for Indiana’s interns will take place on Thursday July 25, 2024.

The Institute for Workforce Excellence’s Work and Learn Indiana program and the Indiana Commission for Higher Education created this movement back in 2019. Modeled after National Intern Day, it focuses on recognizing the excellence of Hoosier interns and employers with work-based learning programs shaping the future workforce.

We ask employers, educators and intermediaries to complete the online pledge form and commit to recognizing the impact of work-based learning experiences and the talent shaped by those experiences. Once you make the pledge, you’ll receive a free content kit with everything you need to celebrate, including sample social media posts, promotional copy, graphics and more.

Join us and show how much you value Indiana’s talent and work-based learning opportunities by making the 

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Work and Learn Indiana Honors Excellence With 2024 Impact Awards

This press release was originally published on the Indiana Chamber web site.

February 22, 2024 (INDIANAPOLIS) — Fearless. Creative. Original. These are among the qualities that helped define excellence at the 2024 Indiana Work-Based Learning Conference, featuring the 18th Annual Impact Awards.

The event, hosted by Work and Learn Indiana (WLI), honored Hoosier work-based learners, employers, innovative programs, work-based learning supervisors and career development professionals today. A crowd of nearly 500 gathered for the luncheon celebration.

The 2024 Impact Award winners represent excellence across 10 categories. Nominations were submitted by the public, with winners chosen by a group of impartial judges.


Work-Based Learner of the Year (College): Jenna Carter: Purdue University (West Lafayette), Endress+Hauser (Greenwood) Work-Based Learner of the Year (High School): Cristina Llamas-Gonzalez: Ben Davis High School (Indianapolis), Plastic Recycling, Inc. (Indianapolis) Work-Based Learner of the Year (Adult): Chelsea Ort: Engage Mentoring (Indianapolis) Career Development Professional of the 

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Celebrate Hoosier Interns on Indiana Intern Day!

Join Work and Learn Indiana and the Indiana Commission for Higher Education as we celebrate Indiana’s interns on social media for the fifth annual Indiana Intern Day on July 27, 2023!

Modeled after National Intern Day, the movement honors interns and the employers that provide meaningful internship opportunities.

Make sure your organization pledges to participate by filling out the online pledge form. After completing the form, you’ll receive a free digital content kit with graphics, sample social media posts and other ways to get involved.

Indiana Intern Day isn’t just for employers. Educational institutions and intermediaries can also pledge to participate and recognize their students with internships in their communities. They will also receive their own content kit with relevant materials to promote Indiana Intern Day. Make the pledge today!

Work and Learn Indiana’s 2023 IMPACT Awards Celebrate Internship Success Across State

For media information, contact:
Matt Ottinger at (317) 264-7541 / 
Rebecca Patrick at (317) 264-6897 /

Work and Learn Indiana’s 2023 IMPACT Awards Celebrate Internship Success Across State

 February 22, 2023 (INDIANAPOLIS) — What happens when interns and mentors dedicate their talents and tenacity to enhancing the future of students and employers throughout Indiana?

A sold-out crowd of 350 gathered to hear these inspiring stories at the Work-Based Learning IMPACT Summit featuring the 17th Annual IMPACT Awards on February 21.

Presented by Work and Learn Indiana, the 2023 IMPACT Award winners were selected by an impartial judging panel from over 150 nominations. The honorees are:

Intern of the Year (College): Alex Lefever, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Center for Civic Innovation at the University of Notre Dame Intern of the Year (High School): Arda Kurama, Penn High School, Center for Civic Innovation at the University of Notre Dame 

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Celebrate Indiana’s Interns on Indiana Intern Day!

When Work and Learn Indiana and the Commission for Higher Education created Indiana Intern Day, we wanted to lead a social media movement celebrating the excellence of Indiana’s interns. Modeled after WayUp’s National Intern Day, the campaign occurs each July, starting with its inception in 2019. In today’s highly competitive labor market, it’s more important than ever to recognize talent. Interns make up a valuable part of Indiana’s talent pipeline!

2022 Indiana Intern Day will take place on July 28. Show you’re committed to recognizing Indiana’s interns! Participate by making the pledge to celebrate Hoosier interns and internship programs. After filling out the online pledge form, participants will immediately receive a digital content kit with sample social media posts, graphics, and more.

Both employers and educators can make the pledge! Educators, celebrate your students with internships and your employer partners offering internship programs. We know educators play a vital 

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2022 IMPACT Award Winners Announced Recognizing Excellence in Internships

For media information, contact:   
Matt Ottinger at (317) 264-7541 / 
Rebecca Patrick at (317) 264-6897 /


2022 IMPACT Award Winners Announced Recognizing Excellence in Internships

February 22, 2022 (INDIANAPOLIS) — Nine categories, 80-plus nominees and infinite potential. The 16th Annual IMPACT Awards, presented by Work and Learn Indiana, honored outstanding talent and contributions regarding Hoosier internships at a virtual celebration today.

The top winners – chosen by a panel of impartial judges – are:

College Intern of the Year: Jenna Burow, Purdue University (Fishers) High School Intern of the Year: Shelby Rosenberger, Franklin County High School (Brookville) Non-Traditional Intern of the Year: Dana Perez, The Children’s Museum (Indianapolis) College Career Development Professional of the Year: Kathy Kassissieh, Rose‐Hulman Institute of Technology (Terre Haute) High School Career Development Professional of the Year: Eric Feller, Oldenburg Academy (Oldenburg) Intern Supervisor of the Year: Kameron 

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Celebrate Indiana Intern Day 2021!

Indiana INTERNnet and the Indiana Commission for Higher Education will celebrate Hoosier interns on social media for the third annual Indiana Intern Day on July 29, 2021!

The occasion is modeled after National Intern Day – a movement to honor interns and the employers that provide meaningful internship opportunities.

Ensure your company or school makes the pledge to join us by filling out the online pledge form. You’ll immediately receive a digital content kit with sample social media posts, graphics and ways to celebrate interns.

Employers, we know that during the time of COVID-19, your internships may look a little different. But we believe that it’s more important than ever to highlight their impact. Whether you have a virtual intern, or had to take a break from hosting interns, you can still participate. Our digital content kit includes opportunities to recognize virtual interns too. If you don’t currently have an 

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Making an IMPACT: Mason Gordon

Indiana INTERNnet celebrated internship excellence on February 23, 2021 at the virtual 15th Annual IMPACT Awards Celebration. While the event may be over, it’s still important to recognize the successes of our nominees! Did you miss the program? Watch it here.



Indiana INTERNnet: Congratulations on winning College Intern of the Year! To start off, what school do you attend, and when do you plan on graduating?

Mason Gordon: Currently, I’m a student at the National University of Ireland, Galway, and I’m pursuing a master’s degree in rural futures planning and innovation. I’ll be graduating from there in May, it’s a one-year master’s degree program.

I’m there on a Mitchell Scholarship, which sends 12 U.S. students each year to Ireland to pursue a year of graduate studies. To my knowledge, I’m the first person in Indiana to win that.

Before this, I was a student at Purdue University, and 

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Making an IMPACT: Ashley Harter

Indiana INTERNnet celebrated internship excellence on February 23, 2021 at the virtual 15th Annual IMPACT Awards Celebration. While the event may be over, it’s still important to recognize the successes of our nominees! Did you miss the program? Watch it here.



Indiana INTERNnet: Congrats on your nomination for Intern of the Year! What school did you attend, and when did you graduate?

Ashley Harter: I attended DePauw University in Greencastle, IN and graduated early this past December of 2020!

IIN: What are you majoring and minoring in? What made you interested in pursuing that?

AH: I majored in Psychology at DePauw – I’ve always been interested in studying human behavior and cognition, and it has been interesting being able to apply this field to my marketing experience at Anvl!

IIN: Where was your internship? Describe your experience. What were your favorite aspects?

AH: I had 

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Registration Open for the 2021 IMPACT Awards!

The 15th Annual IMPACT Awards Celebration, presented by Ivy Tech Community College, will take place on February 23, 2021, from 12-1:00 p.m. The virtual program will celebrate the successes and resilience of internships across Indiana.

For the first time, attendance is free! If you’ve never taken part in Indiana INTERNnet’s IMPACT Awards, now’s your chance. Hear best practices from this year’s winners and nominees across a wide variety of categories. Don’t miss this virtual gathering with interns, employers, professionals and educators from around the state.

The IMPACT Awards program will take place via a livestream link. Registrants will receive the link prior to the event.

IMPACT Awards sponsorships are still available! Visit our sponsorship page for more information or contact executive director Mike Slocum at

Register today for the 15th Annual IMPACT Awards here!

Celebrate with a Gift Box

This year, you most likely won’t be sitting at a table 

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2021 IMPACT Awards FAQs

Indiana INTERNnet is now accepting nominations for the 15th annual IMPACT Awards, an annual celebration of internship excellence. We encourage you to complete the online nomination form, and share how an individual has made an impact at your organization by committing to internship excellence. The nomination deadline is November 6.

Have a question about the nomination process or awards program?  View our frequently asked questions. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, contact Caitlyn Beck (

What are the awards categories?

Intern of the Year (3) High School College Non-Traditional *High school and college interns must be enrolled in school during the time of their internship in 2020. The non-traditional category is for an intern who was not an enrolled student at the time of the internship or was 26 years old or older during the internship. Career Development Professional of the Year (2) High School College *This individual must 

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Employers: Confused about virtual career fair platforms? Here’s a guide to each one.

Right now, virtual career fairs can be confusing to employers. Schools use multiple platforms to host their fairs and it’s overwhelming trying to master ones you’ve never used before! To help remove the guesswork for you, we recently attended several career fairs and share our experiences to help illustrate what you can expect from each platform. Don’t see one included here? Let us know in the comments!


Registration/before the fair
Careernomics is a virtual career fair platform Purdue used for its Krannert School of Management Virtual Career Fair hosted by Purdue’s School of Management Employers Forum (SMEF). When registering for Purdue’s career fair, I went through Purdue’s site, then received a confirmation email from Careernomics with login details for the event. Careernomics prepares a short corporate profile of your organization, which you can review as well as share any edits or attachments (such as pictures or videos) you’d 

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