Category Archives: College Tips

Students: Here’s Essential Advice for Virtual Career Fairs

Most people don’t have a whole lot of experience with virtual career fairs. Up until now, no one had that much of a reason to host or attend one. But amid COVID-19, most career fairs are going completely virtual. It’s easy to be intimidated by this foreign environment when in-person career fairs were already nerve-wracking. But use this advice on how to handle a career fair so you can set yourself up for success!

Most virtual career fairs use video platforms, so be prepared.

All the career fairs I’ve attended so far this season had employers plug in their meeting information for whatever video platform they want to use with students. What this means is you’ll probably encounter a variety of different video call applications. To make sure you don’t have any delays as you try to speak with employers during the fair, try to download the video programs ahead …

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Virtual Internships: Lessons Learned

It’s the unofficial summer of virtual internships — we’ve been celebrating the successes and sharing the struggles that come with it. This post concludes our summer blog series about virtual internships.


For many of us, the next month will include finishing virtual/hybrid internships and beginning classes in a virtual/hybrid setting. As we make this transition, it will be helpful for us to reflect on the lessons we’ve learned this summer and consider how they could transfer to our classes this fall. Here are a few that come to my mind:

Adaptability is everything

If you had told me (or probably anyone on the planet) a year ago what life would be like this summer, I wouldn’t have believed you. I would have doubted that I’d be able to transition to such a different lifestyle in such a short time. But here we are now, and I’ve recognized a resilience in both …

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My Unexpected Senior Experience

I’m experiencing a less than ideal ending to my undergraduate career.

Yesterday morning, I attended my first online lecture for a course called soil quality. We used a platform called Webex, which felt much like a Skype call. My teacher lectured like normal as if we were in class but only about five of my peers came online (out of 12). This is the only class I have that’s switching over to meeting online during our scheduled class time; and the lab portion of the course is being replaced with shorter take-home assignments.

Other professors chose to create digital spaces where they can be available to students. Mostly, they’re doing this through virtual office hours and Canvas discussion boards. Other than that, course schedules have completely changed. Now on a regular day I download assignments, watch videos, and review PowerPoints in place of class.

The worst …

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Stay Safe Spring Breakers

Spring Break Pro-Tips

If you’re going to a sunny warm beach this spring break, here are some tips to maximize the fun and minimize unpleasantness.

Drink Responsibly

Don’t be that sloppy guy or gal, be smart about what you’re consuming.  Especially if you’re in a location were the weather is warm, you want to make sure you’re hydrating properly. It’s also smart to not drink and swim if you are near the ocean, or even just the pool.

Sun Care

While sunburns are no fun, you should also remember no one is immune to skin cancer. Sunblock will block any harmful rays from the sun and keep you safe.  Put on sunblock and do so regularly throughout your time in the sun. A broad-spectrum, water-resistant SPF of 30 or higher is recommended by professionals. Avoid tanning beds before a trip. Protect your eyes with glasses, a hat or visor.

Protect Your …

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My Final Career Fair

Last Wednesday, I attended my last career fair as an undergraduate student on Ball State’s campus.

If you would have even mouthed the words “career fair” too close to me about two years ago, I would’ve probably run very fast in the opposite direction. This time around I took a different approach – I took advantage.

I stood in line for some free, much-needed professional headshots. After that I explored the fair. I initially came to scope out Indiana INTERNnet’s table and show some love, but it took me a while to find. After walking past too many swag bags to count I decided it was time to act.

I gravitated to a table for a company called Impact, an IT company mainly looking for entry-level sales representatives (if I remember correctly). The table was covered in a deep red tablecloth and their display was interesting, so I stopped. The …

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Balancing Work and Wellness

As a student and employee, it’s important to balance work and school. Everyone should make sure their health is a priority. Health is one of those things that we all often overlook until we’re no longer healthy enough to carry out our daily tasks. This is especially annoying when there’s a big test or work event. As basic as it sounds, taking care of yourself by eating properly and working out will ensure you are operating at an optimal level.

Of course, when trying to balance classes, work, an internship, extracurricular activities and possibly a social life, the last thing on most people’s minds is three well-balanced meals and 30 minutes of exercise a day for five days a week. However, shifting your mindset about this is the key here. It’s self-care of the most vital form. How can you expect to kill it every day when you’re being fueled …

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4 Tips to Conquer College Senioritis

College senioritis is different from high school senioritis.

At its very core you might be thinking, “well aren’t they the same thing?” and in many ways, you’re right. By this point in your academic career it’s your fourth year at yet another institution and you’re probably tired. Don’t get me wrong, though, college is still a very exciting place. The social aspect is finally comfortable, you have your friends and social circles set in stone. However, the coursework is a different story. It’s become repetitive and tedious in some ways. And since you’re so close to finally getting out into the world and starting your career you have to plan for that, too.

It might seem like a good idea to push aside all your responsibilities until they start to catch up with you because it is just so overwhelming to think about, right?

Wrong. Senioritis can cost you if …

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Finals Week Told by Rachel Green Gifs

Most students are finishing up finals and ready for a month full of sleeping, eating, and more sleeping. What better way to reflect on the emotional roller coaster that is finals week than to see it told by my favorite Friends character, Rachel Green?

When you’re studying all night and know the answer to everything this course could possibly throw at you, but you come across something the professor never mentioned.


When your friends ask how much you’ve studied for your next final.


That feeling when you know you’ll be sleeping a maximum of 4 hours and running on coffee for a week.


Turning in your final to the professor knowing that you didn’t study hard enough but tried your best.


When it finally hits you that you’re done and ready for the long break ahead of you.


When you …

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Tips for Surviving Finals Week

For many students, finals week is either here or rapidly approaching. It’s easy to get stressed and overwhelmed with finals. You have an entire semester’s worth of work coming together into one exam or project. No pressure, right? But don’t worry. You can handle it! Here are a few tips for surviving finals week.

Study Groups

It might sound obvious, but utilizing study groups can really benefit you! It gives you the opportunity to go over concepts you may not understand. It’s always helpful to have a few other people around so you don’t feel isolated. But make sure you’re contributing to the group as well. You don’t want to show up without knowing anything and just use your fellow classmates for their knowledge. That just makes them resent you. A great way to participate in a study group is by pretending to teach concepts from the class. It helps …

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Self-Care for the end of the Semester

Right now, life is basically the prime example of “too much to do and not enough time to do it.” Classes are getting ready for finals, projects are due, and life has to fit somewhere in there. Not to make this all about me, but I’m working a job on-campus, interning downtown, taking 18 credit hours, and planning a whole university formal, so things are pretty tough right now. I know I can’t be the only one dealing with a lot, so I came up with a list of things to do that help me relax or calm down when I’m stressed. I should mention that these are things most people don’t think of or at least talk about so you can get some new self-care tips!

Spend the whole day doing nothing

Sometimes when things get really hectic, I like to plan at least one day during the weekend …

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Financial Responsibility Advice

I started working basically as soon as I turned 15. While it was at a tiny pizza shop in my hometown, it was still exciting to know that after two weeks I would have my very own paycheck that was my hard-earned money. As I got older and got better jobs, I started getting paid more and then it hit me: I wasn’t really paying attention to how much I was spending or where my money was going. Here is where your favorite intern (me) comes in with a solution to the problem. I created a list of helpful tips to think about and remember as you start navigating the adult world when it comes to financial responsibility.

Utilize electronic banking apps

Luckily, we live in a world where almost everything is electronic. Use this to your advantage to get the app for your personal bank. This way you can …

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How to Come Back Productive After a Break

Whether it’s a three-day weekend or a full week off, breaks during school are always needed and always celebrated. Breaks throughout the semester are great ways to regroup and relax, but getting back into a school routine can get pretty tough. Learning how to come back after a break and staying on top of things is important. While you should reward yourself and take a few days off, when it gets closer to class starting back up again, you should start getting in the right mindset.

Relax and reward yourself

Every break is a chance to release some of the stress from school and give yourself time to relax. Make sure to take the time you need to unwind and refresh. It could be staying in bed all day or spending the day shopping, do something that you have been wanting to do. Taking enough time off will actually have …

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How to Recover After a Bad Grade

Not every test you take is going to give you the grade you wanted or expected. Life can get crazy, and sometimes not everything goes as planned. When you receive a grade that isn’t what you were hoping for, it can seem like everything is going wrong and that you will never be able to bounce back. I am here to debunk that myth and give some tips on how to overcome a bad grade.

Learn from it

The biggest take away from getting a bad grade is that you can learn so much from it. If you studied and still got a bad grade, maybe its time for some new study habits. If you are in need of some study tips you can check out my past blog here. This grade also gives you an insight into where you need to focus more time.

Don’t dwell

Getting a bad …

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How to Survive Midterms

It’s that time again
midterms! I know no one is ever excited about all the projects and exams coming up, but going in with a clear mindset can help you make the best of what is to come. Whether this is your first college midterm season or last, you can never be too prepared.

Stay healthy

This might just be something that is common at my university but by the time midterms come around, everyone is super sick. It might just be the weather or how stressed everyone is, but it feels like you can’t take an exam without 10 people sneezing and sniffling every 15 seconds. There is nothing worse than trying to take a challenging exam when all you want to do is go back to bed because you don’t feel good. Make sure you are doing all the precautions like washing your hands, eating healthy, getting enough sleep, …

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Study Tips for Fall Semester

While the semester might seem like it’s going alright at the moment, you know that feeling never sticks. Class has been in session for a few weeks now and most people have gotten into a routine. Then, something happens: you’re aware of an upcoming exam and don’t have the slightest clue how to study because you took the summer off. This is where I come in. Now that I’m in my sophomore year, I’ve gained my fair share of good and bad grades, which is why I want to encourage habits that will improve your grades.

DON’T put it off

You might think two weeks until an exam is a lot of time – it isn’t, I promise. When you consider other classes, homework, and life in general, studying for a future exam always seems to end up on the back burner. As soon as you know you have an …

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