Category Archives: Events & Internship Fairs

Introducing New Webinars for Indiana Intern Week!

In case you missed it, Indiana Intern Day is July 25, 2024! Work and Learn Indiana and the Indiana Commission for Higher Education created the occasion to celebrate Hoosier interns and work-based learning programs. We encourage employers, educators and intermediaries to make the pledge to participate!

This year, we’re introducing participation opportunities for those interested in creating or improving work-based learning programs. Register for our free webinars occurring in the week leading up to Indiana Intern Day!

Indiana Latino Institute Work-Based Learning Workshop

7/23/2024, 12-12:30 p.m. (EDT)
Virtual via Zoom

Join us for a free informative workshop hosted by the Indiana Latino Institute (ILI) where they will delve into the details of their internship program, highlighting the significant benefits of partnering with their organization.

Employers will gain insights into the program’s structure and discover the streamlined process for becoming a partner, ultimately enhancing their workforce and fostering future industry …

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Celebrate Indiana Intern Day July 25, 2024!

We’re excited to announce the sixth annual Indiana Intern Day! The annual social media campaign and day of recognition for Indiana’s interns will take place on Thursday July 25, 2024.

The Institute for Workforce Excellence’s Work and Learn Indiana program and the Indiana Commission for Higher Education created this movement back in 2019. Modeled after National Intern Day, it focuses on recognizing the excellence of Hoosier interns and employers with work-based learning programs shaping the future workforce.

We ask employers, educators and intermediaries to complete the online pledge form and commit to recognizing the impact of work-based learning experiences and the talent shaped by those experiences. Once you make the pledge, you’ll receive a free content kit with everything you need to celebrate, including sample social media posts, promotional copy, graphics and more.

Join us and show how much you value Indiana’s talent and work-based learning opportunities by making the …

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Celebrate Hoosier Interns on Indiana Intern Day!

Join Work and Learn Indiana and the Indiana Commission for Higher Education as we celebrate Indiana’s interns on social media for the fifth annual Indiana Intern Day on July 27, 2023!

Modeled after National Intern Day, the movement honors interns and the employers that provide meaningful internship opportunities.

Make sure your organization pledges to participate by filling out the online pledge form. After completing the form, you’ll receive a free digital content kit with graphics, sample social media posts and other ways to get involved.

Indiana Intern Day isnā€™t just for employers. Educational institutions and intermediaries can also pledge to participate and recognize their students with internships in their communities. They will also receive their own content kit with relevant materials to promote Indiana Intern Day. Make the pledge today!

Celebrate Indiana’s Interns on Indiana Intern Day!

When Work and Learn Indiana and the Commission for Higher Education created Indiana Intern Day, we wanted to lead a social media movement celebrating the excellence of Indiana’s interns. Modeled after WayUp’s National Intern Day, the campaign occurs each July, starting with its inception in 2019. In today’s highly competitive labor market, it’s more important than ever to recognize talent. Interns make up a valuable part of Indiana’s talent pipeline!

2022 Indiana Intern Day will take place on July 28. Show you’re committed to recognizing Indiana’s interns! Participate by making the pledge to celebrate Hoosier interns and internship programs. After filling out the online pledge form, participants will immediately receive a digital content kit with sample social media posts, graphics, and more.

Both employers and educators can make the pledge! Educators, celebrate your students with internships and your employer partners offering internship programs. We know educators play a vital …

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Celebrate Indiana Intern Day 2021!

Indiana INTERNnet and theĀ Indiana Commission for Higher Education will celebrate Hoosier interns on social media for the third annual Indiana Intern Day on July 29, 2021!

The occasion is modeled after National Intern Day ā€“ a movement to honor interns and the employers that provide meaningful internship opportunities.

Ensure your company or school makes the pledge to join us by filling out the online pledge form. You’ll immediately receive a digital content kit with sample social media posts, graphics and ways to celebrate interns.

Employers, we know that during the time of COVID-19, your internships may look a little different. But we believe that itā€™s more important than ever to highlight their impact. Whether you have a virtual intern, or had to take a break from hosting interns, you can still participate. Our digital content kit includes opportunities to recognize virtual interns too. If you donā€™t currently have an …

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Employers: Confused about virtual career fair platforms? Here’s a guide to each one.

Right now, virtual career fairs can be confusing to employers. Schools use multiple platforms to host their fairs and it’s overwhelming trying to master ones you’ve never used before! To help remove the guesswork for you, we recently attended several career fairs and share our experiences to help illustrate what you can expect from each platform. Don’t see one included here? Let us know in the comments!


Registration/before the fair
Careernomics is a virtual career fair platform Purdue used for its Krannert School of Management Virtual Career Fair hosted by Purdue’s School of Management Employers Forum (SMEF). When registering for Purdueā€™s career fair, I went through Purdue’s site, then received a confirmation email from Careernomics with login details for the event. Careernomics prepares a short corporate profile of your organization, which you can review as well as share any edits or attachments (such as pictures or videos) youā€™d …

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Students: Here’s Essential Advice for Virtual Career Fairs

Most people don’t have a whole lot of experience with virtual career fairs. Up until now, no one had that much of a reason to host or attend one. But amid COVID-19, most career fairs are going completely virtual. It’s easy to be intimidated by this foreign environment when in-person career fairs were already nerve-wracking. But use this advice on how to handle a career fair so you can set yourself up for success!

Most virtual career fairs use video platforms, so be prepared.

All the career fairs I’ve attended so far this season had employers plug in their meeting information for whatever video platform they want to use with students. What this means is you’ll probably encounter a variety of different video call applications. To make sure you don’t have any delays as you try to speak with employers during the fair, try to download the video programs ahead …

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Indiana Intern Showcase Recap

Earlier this week, Indiana INTERNnet hosted its inaugural Indiana Intern Showcase, a virtual event that featured 17 interns from around the state. During the showcase, interns shared about the experiences they had this summer. Many discussed large projects and favorite traditions they participated in throughout their internships. The nearly 50 showcase attendees also had the opportunity to ask questions during several Q&A sessions with presenters. Here are a few of the highlights from the showcase:

Developing skills

Every intern who presented in the showcase spoke to some degree about the skills they had learned and developed over their summer internships. Presenting interns were from a variety of industries, college majors, and educational levels, but they all gave testimony to the educational power of an internship. Students talked about developing skills that ranged from research and writing to engineering and cold calls, human resources and event planning to teaching and accounting. …

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Indiana Intern Showcase

Believe it or not, weā€™re already nearing the end of another summer internship season. And though this summer hasnā€™t been without its challenges, it has still been something to celebrate! Many of us completed our first virtual internships this summer, and many completed their first internships ever! Do you have a summer internship story to share? Are you completing a project youā€™re especially passionate about or proud of? Then our newest event is for you! Register now for the Indiana Intern Showcase on Wednesday, August 5 from 2-4pm.Ā 

What is the Indiana Intern Showcase?

Itā€™s an opportunity for interns around the state to share their summer internship experiences with the community. Through a virtual presentation, interns will showcase their work to an audience of peers, supervisors, mentors, professors, friends, and even family members!

Each intern will have five minutes to present a slide about their experience, which could include …

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Join Us in Celebrating Indiana Intern Day 2020

Join Indiana INTERNnet and theĀ Indiana Commission for Higher EducationĀ in celebrating Indianaā€™s interns on social media for Indiana Intern Day on July 30, 2020! The occasion is modeled after National Intern Day ā€“ a movement to honor interns and the employers that provide meaningful internship opportunities.

Make sure your company or school makes the pledge by filling out theĀ online pledge form. Weā€™ll send you a digital content kit with sample social media posts, graphics and ways to celebrate interns.

Employers, we know that during the time of COVID-19 internships may look a little different. But we believe that itā€™s more important than ever to highlight the impact of internships. Whether you have a virtual intern, or if you had to take a break from hosting interns, you can still participate. When we send you our digital content kit, weā€™ll include ways to recognize virtual interns too. If you donā€™t currently …

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Online Internship Fair: A New Way to Meet Employers

Some internship fairs can get too hot, too awkward and just all-around exhausting. That is why Indiana INTERNnet is so excited to host another online internship fair! This experience serves as a great way for students to network and learn about so many amazing opportunities out there. Now is a great time to start looking at positions for spring, summer or fall. If you were on the edge about signing up, I have some reasons as to why you should join us for the fair.

How to get started

Make an account and complete your profile on CareerEco. This profile allows you to upload your resume, add your education background and indicate when you are looking to intern. Setting up your profile beforehand can allow for employers to look at your resume before the fair even begins.

How it works

The fair will take place from 10 a.m. ā€“ …

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Indiana INTERNnetā€™s Online Internship Fair: A New Way to Recruit Talent

Join Indiana INTERNnetĀ at its second online internship fair on October 30! The event takes place virtually through CareerEcoĀ which means you will be able to connect with students around the state from the comfort of your office. It is the perfect opportunity to find your next spring, summer or even fall 2020 interns!

Like a traditional internship/career fair, employers can connect directly with potential interns. However, unlike a traditional fair, everything takes virtually place within a chat room. Registered employers have their own chat room with the option to host private text, video or audio chat sessions.

Here are some more benefits of the online internship fair:

Eliminate travel costs and costs associated with ordering promotional items

Since the fair takes place online, there are absolutely no travel costs associated with attending. Employers can take part in the fair from their home, office, coworking space, coffee shop, anywhere!

Travel isnā€™t the …

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Summer Engagement Event at the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra

This past week we held our second Intern Engagement Event of the summer. The event took place at Hilbert Circle Theater in Indianapolis. Before the interns heard the amazing music, they participated in some speed networking. The speed networking allowed for interns and employers to get to know each other in a unique and exciting environment.

After networking, the Indiana INTERNnet team gave out prizes to lucky raffle winners. The interns were then free to go get lunch and prepare for the performance. With a theme like Broadway, there were many happy faces in the audience.

Even after the performance interns met up again to have a Q&A session with some of the ISOā€™s event and venue staff members. The Q&A was full of amazing questions ranging from how licensing works in the music industry to how the ISO is changing their branding to meet a new desired market.

As …

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Celebrate Your Interns and Join Us on Indiana Intern Day

Join Indiana INTERNnet and the Indiana Commission for Higher Education (CHE) in celebrating Indianaā€™s interns! Gov. Holcomb has officially recognized July 25 as Indiana Intern Day. The occasion is modeled after National Intern Day ā€“ a movement to honor interns and the employers that provide meaningful internship opportunities.

This day is primarily social media-focused, but if you want to give your interns a break, Indiana INTERNnet and the CHE will host a casual intern meet-up at the Statehouse Market in Indianapolis from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. You can purchase lunch from food trucks and other local vendors. Employers: Send your interns to show them your appreciation. Interns: Network with your peers!

Canā€™t make it to Indianapolis? Acknowledge your interns by using #INinternday on social media. Complete this pledge form. Itā€™s free to participate. We’ll send you downloadable content to start your Intern Day celebration off right!

Summer Intern Networking Events

Indiana INTERNnet hosts intern engagement activities around the Indianapolis area. However, it’s important to note that there are summer intern events happening all throughout the state. Know the events in your area, and above all, make an effort to network. You can still enjoy your summer days and make your internship memorable!

South Bend

South Bend Regional Chamber is kicking off their Summer Connect 2019 events on June 5th! Interns can network with other young professionals while learning about the excitement of living in the South Bend region. For instance, interns will be exposed to an exciting speaker series introducing them to fascinating people from around the South Bend area. If you’re interested in any of the summer intern events, you can get more information by checking out the flyer. Contact Kate Lee at with any additional questions.

Elkhart County

Elkhart County is hosting networking events, festivals and other …

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