Category Archives: Internship and Job Search

Four Email Examples That Will Keep Your Network Strong

As spring internships begin to wrap up, one of the most important things  you can do before departing is to record your supervisor’s, mentor’s, fellow co-workers’, etc. contact information. The connections  you make during your internship can become extremely valuable down the line.

But collecting contacts isn’t enough. You have to actually stay in touch with them! The Intern Queen recommends reaching out to your professional contacts at least three times per year. This will help ensure that your connections remain strong.

Use these email examples if you’re struggling to figure out what to say:


“A good network is like a garden – if you want it to thrive, you have to put in a little effort.”


You notice your connection accomplished something


I happened to  see on LinkedIn that you received a promotion! Congratulations! What does …

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How To Handle Feedback Like A Pro

Being an intern can be hard. You’re juggling school work, internship work, along with the other aspects of being in your 20s. Sometimes you’re doing so many things you question if you’re doing them right.  This is why feedback is the most important aspect of your internship, but sometimes it can be hard knowing what to do with it. Below I’ve included three strategies to use feedback to its fullest potential.

Take it and run.

Feedback from your supervisors and peers can be a great asset, especially if it’s in a form of a mid-term review or working feedback. The best thing to do with feedback is to take it and use it. If your supervisor says that your work needs to be double checked, you should make sure to double check your work in the future. This will not only show your supervisor that you value their opinion, but …

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Tips For A Successful Job Search

It’s spring, and you know what that means: the search for summer internships is in full swing. Sometimes searching for internships can be hard. You’ve applied, but it seems like your resume has been lost in the mix. It seems like you’ve done everything you can. However, there is no need to worry! There are so many resources and actions you can take to make your internship search successful.

Check job boards often.

Most schools have a job board or internship website. For example, IUPUI’s website, Jag Jobs, has both part time positions and internships available for students to apply to. Also, our site, typically has more than 900 positions available during the peak summer season. Did you that Indiana INTERNnet shares internships with nine different colleges and universities around the state? So you may even see some internships from the site while browsing your school’s job board.

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How to Avoid Being Ghosted

Urban Dictionary defines being ghosted as “To be ignored, or not having anyone respond to your opinion and disregarding your remark, leaving you feeling insignificant.”

After weeks of searching for the perfect summer internship, I thought I had finally found THE ONE. The internship embodied everything I could ever want. I applied and got through to the interview stage. The interview was fantastic. I couldn’t have imagined it going any better. Like all interviews, I sent a follow-up email thanking my interviewer for their time and expressing my excitement for the position. However, my email never received a response.

No big deal, right?  Things happen, people get busy, I get it. However, the timeline that I was given came and went, with no responses. By this time, I was a little worried, so I sent another follow-up email. Still, no response. By this point I realized I most likely didn’t …

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Scoring Gold in Your Career

Athletes endure years of training to prepare for the Olympics; students do the same for their future careers. Through classes, homework and internships, you are improving your skills to advance in your industry. Here are some tips to help you score a gold medal in your career.

Pick the right sport.






If you’re afraid of heights, ski jumping probably isn’t the sport for you. There will be majors/fields that won’t be a good fit as well. You should determine what you like/dislike, the skills you have and research your options.

From my experience, I wanted to work in the healthcare industry, however science and math were not my strongest subjects in grade school. Once I started the coursework for radiology technology, I realized I needed to pursue a different major that better suited my skills. Writing was always my favorite subject; therefore I switched …

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How to Ace a Phone Interview

When an employer asks for a phone interview you may have one of two reactions:









Either way, here are a few tips that will help you ace that phone interview.

Pick a time that works best for you.

Picking a convenient time can make or break an interview. Block out at least an hour for the interview and ensure you have plenty of time before the call to prepare. There’s nothing worse than going into an interview and feeling rushed.

Take the call in a quiet place.

Taking a call in a quiet place will allow your interviewer to hear you clearly. Background noise can be a distraction to both you and your interviewer. The point of a phone interview is to screen potential candidates, so it’s important your interviewer hears all of the qualifications you have for the …

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Dress For Success: Dressing For An Interview

One thing that I always struggle with the day of an interview is the age-old question: “What am I going to wear?” I’ve walked into rooms where I’ve been the best dressed and the worst dressed, although I prefer the latter.  Attire is a problem that affects every professional, even people who have been in the workforce for years.  Here are some important things to remember when choosing that perfect interview outfit.

Make an impression.  Your attire shapes the first impression you give to potential employers, so it’s extremely important to make the right impression. I always like to make sure that my outfit accurately represents the professional I am. I want my outfit to say “I’m competent, qualified, and can make a great impact on your company.” The way you dress should represent the way that you feel about your abilities as a professional. Showing up in jeans and …

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Video Interview Tips

Step aside in-person interviews, video interviews are becoming increasingly popular in today’s workforce. This technologically-advanced method is a time and cost saver for interviewers and interviewees. You should treat it as a traditional in-person interview, but with a few variations for before and during the meeting.


Tech Test

In preparation, you should test the technology you’re going to use for the interview far in advance (at least a few hours before). The interviewer will send instructions for joining the meeting, this may include a phone number in place of using computer audio. There are many different options for video conferences, so familiarize yourself with the correct one and download the necessary software installation or updates. If you choose to use your computer’s audio or a headset, be sure to test the microphone and speakers.

Image is Everything

In addition to testing your computer’s microphone and speakers, you should …

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Four Ways to Make Your College Experience Less Stressful

Moira Keating is a human resources marketing/employee engagement intern at Milliner & Associates. She will graduate from Marian University in December 2018. 

Anyone who has met a college student, knows college can be is stressful. Trying to find the perfect balance between schoolwork, clubs, friends, jobs, athletics, family and more can really take a toll on a person. Most college students do not hesitate to let others know how much homework they have this week or how little sleep they got last night by posting it to all social media platforms. I am not mad about this, since I too have posted about my busy schedule, but I have realized there are ways to avoid these posts.

ACTUALLY PAYING ATTENTION IN CLASS: This should be a pretty simple rule to follow, since most of us are paying to be in that chair, but the constant advancements of technology can …

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Networking Nightmares

In celebration of Halloween, let’s discuss a few scary things that can happen while networking. These horrors can occur in person, phone, email or social media. It’s always best to double check any communication you’re sending and be prepared for conversation.


Social Media Scares

Social media can be a great way to network with professionals in your industry. However, you should be cautious with what you post, share and like. If you are posting negatively about a certain organization and then try to network with its employees, they could potentially read your rants. Also, not everyone has the same sense of humor, so be careful posts including jokes. Check your posts using the mom or supervisor test. If they might find it offensive or inappropriate, do not post it.


Freddy vs. Jason

Incorrectly addressing someone in a message can cause a gut-wrenching affect. It could happen accidently; maybe …

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Dress to Impress for Less

Earlier this year at one of Indiana INTERNnet’s intern engagement events, Pete the Planner explained that after graduation, you’re going to need to spend quite a bit of money to develop a professional wardrobe. You can’t show up to job interviews wearing oversized college sweatshirts, jeans and Converse shoes! But, what if you don’t have the money for a snazzy suit? Luckily, there are plenty of ways to find affordable and stylish options.

Thrift Stores
You can find many hidden gems at your local thrift store! Places like Goodwill offer a variety of men’s and women’s suit separates, dresses, shoes and ties. Since blazers are about $5, slacks are $4 and a full suit is $10, you may be able to afford alterations. Tailoring can totally transform your look and have people thinking you spent hundreds. Shh
your secret is safe with me!

Consignment/Resale Stores
Most of my professional …

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Be Aggressive, but Not Too Aggressive

Sofia Grimsgard is a junior at Indiana University in Bloomington, studying Journalism with specializations in broadcast journalism, public relations and graphic communications. She completed an internship with KXAN – a NBC affiliate in Austin, Texas.

Growing up as a naturally motivated individual made me very aware of the effects that my actions would have on my future. I was always thinking about where I wanted to end up, what I wanted to do and what kind of career I wanted to have. I also knew none of my dreams would come true without hard work and persistence – including valuable work experience from a young age. After having three internships so far, I have one piece of advice that seems to have carried more weight than any other: be aggressive, but not too aggressive.

Getting your name out there is of the utmost importance. Tread carefully though: it’s as …

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Three Tips on Finding the Perfect Internship

Moira Keating is a human resources marketing/employee engagement intern at Milliner & Associates. She will graduate from Marian University in December 2018. 

Most college students know that getting an internship is an integral part of expanding their professional career. Some universities, including mine, even require it. There are websites dedicated to helping student’s find the perfect internship for their majors and/or skill sets, which makes for an easy and comfortable application process. Even uploading your resume to sites such as or LinkedIn could potentially lead to a recruiter contacting you, and from experience, it is exciting when that happens.

Just because there are plenty of places to see postings for an internship these days, doesn’t mean it is easy to get one. Your resume needs to be perfect and sometimes references, a cover letter, and/or a writing sample are required during the application process, and that is …

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So, You Received an Internship Offer – Now What?

After weeks, if not months applying, you receive the call you’ve been looking for: you got the internship! Before saying “yes,” there are a couple of things you should do to make sure that your internship experience is going to be a great one!

Confirm details
Make sure that you are on the same page about your pay rate and schedule you will be working. Determine what your first and last days will be, and mention any planned vacations you may have. This will help your internship supervisor plan ahead for the days you will be absent.

Also, if your company doesn’t have a private parking lot, ask for parking information. Some companies can provide a monthly parking stipend to interns, but some may not be able to. If you will be on your own for parking, ask for the most affordable options, and reserve your …

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Tips from a Career Fair (not so) Expert

Hattie Hynes is a Recruiting/HR Marketing Intern with Milliner & Associates. She will graduate from the Indiana University Kelley School of Business in 2018.

I went to a career fair last fall as a college sophomore. I was nervous, terrified, uncomfortable, and sweaty the entire time I was there and even worse, I had no idea what to expect. The good news is that my friend that made me go had already visited our IUPUI Kelley School of Business career advisor and asked about career fair etiquette. So now I was equipped with a little bit of secondhand preparation from my friend and a resume. No professional experience whatsoever, not even admitted to the Kelley School of Business yet, I went
 blissfully unaware of what I was walking into. I would have liked to have been more prepared but hey, it was fine!

I have that career fair to thank for my …

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