Category Archives: Work and Learn Indiana’s Intern

What is Branding, and Why Do I Need It?

Branding, branding, branding. Itā€™s a popular buzzword in the college, internship, and job worlds, but what exactly is it?

Yes, branding can refer to ā€œItā€™s so easy a caveman can do itā€ā€” thank you, GEICO. The branding to which I am referring is personal branding. This type of branding has many different definitions, but simply put, it is the personal identity you wish to convey to schools and employers. Your ā€œbrandā€ can involve many aspects of your lifeā€”from your appearance, your knowledge, and your resume, to your online presence with Facebook and LinkedIn. All of these elements are visible to potential schools or employers, and knowing how to create and manage your personal brand is important to future success.

So, how do you create a brand and manage it? In creating a brand, you first need to identify your goals. If you are trying to snag a specific job, …

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Making your internship count!

With anything in life, the experience is what you make of it, and as an intern, itā€™s no different. You can only get out of an internship what you put into itā€”so consider your internship a chance to make a good impression, contribute fresh ideas, and ā€œbe a spongeā€ by learning from everyone with whom you work.

If you are proactive with the company and take charge of your own internship experience by seeking out mentors and using all of your resources for your work, you may have a great experience. However, if you stay put in your cubicle and never seek out help and advice, Iā€™m guessing your internship is not going to be very fulfilling. You wonā€™t have any fun, and you may walk away having not learned anything. I doubt you want to be ā€œthat personā€ who sits in his cubicle and watches YouTube all day!

It …

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The Freddie Factor: Tales from one of Indiana INTERNnet’s own

An internship, as defined by Websterā€™s Dictionary, is ā€œa student or recent graduate who works for a period of time at a job in order to gain experience.ā€ The goal of Indiana INTERNnet is to be an internship-matching program linking employers, students, high schools, colleges and universities. It worksā€”well, it did for me!

Hereā€™s how:

Ever since my arrival as a freshman student at Indiana University, internships have been stressed by faculty and staff as important learning experiences. Not wanting to disappoint, that very year, I went on- the-hunt for the mighty internship. The process seemed straight forward: make a great resume, apply, and interview. How do you find the internship, though? Most colleges have career services, which provide help locating internships and jobs, as well as preparing your resume for career fairs and interviews. These services are invaluable. In addition to checking out my collegeā€™s career services offerings, I …

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New blog, website, and staff members!

You may have noticed a few changes taking place here at Indiana INTERNnet, and weā€™d like to take a moment to share them with you.

In the past two weeks, weā€™ve welcomed Courtney Sampson, our new program coordinator, and Fredrick Starks, our summer intern. Part of Courtneyā€™s role is to manage Indiana INTERNnetā€™s social media presence, so in the coming months, youā€™ll see exciting changes and more activity within the social media spaceā€”especially this blog!

If weā€™re not yet connected, please take a moment to follow us:
Twitter: @IndianaINTERN
LinkedIn Group: Search Indiana INTERNnetĀ 

Weā€™ve also launched a new website and freshened-up our logo to help celebrate our 10th anniversary! During the past ten years, we’ve helped retain Indiana’s talented students by matching employers, universities, and students with Indiana-based internships and experiential learning opportunities. (Don’t forget-our services are free for everyone!)

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