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Indiana’s Best: Holiday Happenings 2017

With the growth of local pride and demand for “homegrown” products, there are many opportunities to experience true Hoosier culture. Whether it’s restaurants, attractions, shops or anything in between, we’ll showcase some of our favorite gems that make Indiana a great place to live and work.

It’s time for another installment of Holiday Happenings! As always, the season starts with a big spark at Monument Circle, the Circle of Lights. This tree-lighting tradition starts the day after Thanksgiving and ends on January 7, 2018. While the Soldier & Sailors Monument isn’t an actual tree, it does a great job of creating cheer for visitors throughout the holiday season.

There are plenty of other exciting holiday sites to see in the city, keep reading for a few new and traditional must-see events. Some of these organizations are offering internships (search on our site to find out)!

1 . Winterlights

Take a …

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Wild about Workforce Development

On February 7, 2018, Indiana INTERNnet will celebrate internship excellence at the 12th Annual IMPACT Awards Luncheon, sponsored by Ivy Tech Community College. The program shines light on the importance of internships and applauds the individuals who make these experiences meaningful and successful.

Chris Heeter – award-winning speaker and founder of The Wild Institute – will deliver the keynote address, Guiding the Team to Success, complementing the luncheon’s Wild about Workforce Development theme. Featured on The Discovery Channel’s “National Geographic Today,” Heeter brings decades of leadership experience indoors, working with teams and leaders to recognize that leadership and teamwork doesn’t have to be so complicated.

Combining business expertise with hilarious stories from her sled dog team and experience as a whitewater trip guide. Heeter challenges and inspires organizations and individuals toward Wild leadership, compassionate presence and daring authenticity.

Gerry Dick, president/managing editor, Grow INdiana Media Ventures and host, Inside INdiana …

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The Indiana INTERNnet Team is Thankful

In celebration of Thanksgiving, the Indiana INTERNnet team would like to share what we are thankful for in our careers.

Allison Gaffney

I’m thankful for my internship experience at Girls Inc. of Greater Indianapolis. During those three months, I was surrounded by passionate coworkers who were willing to help me develop the skills I needed for success outside of the classroom. I was entrusted to take on large tasks like creating a social media campaign for Giving Tuesday. This gave me a lot of confidence in my work, and I’ve been able to carry that over to my career with Indiana INTERNnet.






Karissa Rector

One thing I regret in my career is only doing one internship, however I am thankful that single experience transitioned to a full-time position. The opportunity has allowed me to further develop my skills and continually grow with Indiana …

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Internship Woes? Speak Up!

After weeks of searching, applying and interviewing, you finally receive an internship offer! You’re super excited about the projects you’re going to complete and the people you’ll be working with. However, after the first month of interning, you realize that your role and responsibilities are not what you expected. You might feel like your skills are not being utilized or developed, but what can you do?

Talk to your internship supervisor
Your supervisor is the person who is tasked with providing you with the resources you need to have a successful internship. If you’re unhappy, they’re the first person you should speak with. Review your internship’s description, and if it doesn’t match up with the work you’re doing, let them know.

Express your eagerness to take on more projects. Then, work with your supervisor to come up with a workplan so you have a structured outline of what you …

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Winter Finals Are Coming

It’s beginning to feel a lot like winter, and finals are coming. Since you don’t have dragons like Daenerys Targaryen, you’ll have to slay those exams on your own. Fear not, my friends, we have excellent tips to help you survive winter finals.


Prepare for Battle
Gather all of your class notes and study material and actually review it. If your professor provides a study guide, use it as a tool to map out your studies. You should schedule a few times for studying the week before the exam to prevent cramming it in the night before. Find a quiet spot in the library to study alone, or form a study group to divide and conquer the material.


Ask Questions
If you are struggling with a concept or think your notes might be incorrect, ask your professor or a fellow student. Some professors will …

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Four Ways to Make Your College Experience Less Stressful

Moira Keating is a human resources marketing/employee engagement intern at Milliner & Associates. She will graduate from Marian University in December 2018. 

Anyone who has met a college student, knows college can be is stressful. Trying to find the perfect balance between schoolwork, clubs, friends, jobs, athletics, family and more can really take a toll on a person. Most college students do not hesitate to let others know how much homework they have this week or how little sleep they got last night by posting it to all social media platforms. I am not mad about this, since I too have posted about my busy schedule, but I have realized there are ways to avoid these posts.

ACTUALLY PAYING ATTENTION IN CLASS: This should be a pretty simple rule to follow, since most of us are paying to be in that chair, but the constant advancements of technology can …

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Networking at Night

Most networking events are held during typical working hours (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.). However, there are the occasional evening events. While some events may be more casual than others, it’s important to maintain a professional demeanor at all times. Check out these helpful tips for how to rock the room and make connections.


Cards for Contacts

Make sure you bring plenty of business cards, and can easily grab it out of your pocket or purse. You don’t want to be fumbling around in your jacket, or throwing things out of your purse to find a card. The business cards that you collect should also be put in an appropriate place.

Pro tip: Bring a pen to write notes about the conversations you had with people. If you don’t have a small notepad, you can write on the back of their business cards. Your phone is also a great …

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National Staffing Employee Week as an Intern

Moira Keating is a human resources marketing/employee engagement intern at Milliner & Associates. She will graduate from Marian University in December 2018. 

National Staffing Employee Week was one of the most exciting weeks in my working career thus far! This special occasion was celebrated September 18, 2017 – September 22, 2017, and was my first time meeting my company’s employees and clients. Milliner & Associates (M&A) was super excited to show appreciation for our #StaffingStars (I used that hashtag a lot the past week!). National Staffing Employee Week was a huge learning opportunity for me as well.

Since beginning my internship with M&A, I have learned an infinite amount of information regarding the staffing industry. Once this internship started, it has been a whirlpool of information regarding such a fast-growing industry. Staffing is projected to reach $142.4 billion in revenue, and that is no surprise considering how thrilling and …

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Networking Nightmares

In celebration of Halloween, let’s discuss a few scary things that can happen while networking. These horrors can occur in person, phone, email or social media. It’s always best to double check any communication you’re sending and be prepared for conversation.


Social Media Scares

Social media can be a great way to network with professionals in your industry. However, you should be cautious with what you post, share and like. If you are posting negatively about a certain organization and then try to network with its employees, they could potentially read your rants. Also, not everyone has the same sense of humor, so be careful posts including jokes. Check your posts using the mom or supervisor test. If they might find it offensive or inappropriate, do not post it.


Freddy vs. Jason

Incorrectly addressing someone in a message can cause a gut-wrenching affect. It could happen accidently; maybe …

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Dress to Impress for Less

Earlier this year at one of Indiana INTERNnet’s intern engagement events, Pete the Planner explained that after graduation, you’re going to need to spend quite a bit of money to develop a professional wardrobe. You can’t show up to job interviews wearing oversized college sweatshirts, jeans and Converse shoes! But, what if you don’t have the money for a snazzy suit? Luckily, there are plenty of ways to find affordable and stylish options.

Thrift Stores
You can find many hidden gems at your local thrift store! Places like Goodwill offer a variety of men’s and women’s suit separates, dresses, shoes and ties. Since blazers are about $5, slacks are $4 and a full suit is $10, you may be able to afford alterations. Tailoring can totally transform your look and have people thinking you spent hundreds. Shh
your secret is safe with me!

Consignment/Resale Stores
Most of my professional …

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Be Aggressive, but Not Too Aggressive

Sofia Grimsgard is a junior at Indiana University in Bloomington, studying Journalism with specializations in broadcast journalism, public relations and graphic communications. She completed an internship with KXAN – a NBC affiliate in Austin, Texas.

Growing up as a naturally motivated individual made me very aware of the effects that my actions would have on my future. I was always thinking about where I wanted to end up, what I wanted to do and what kind of career I wanted to have. I also knew none of my dreams would come true without hard work and persistence – including valuable work experience from a young age. After having three internships so far, I have one piece of advice that seems to have carried more weight than any other: be aggressive, but not too aggressive.

Getting your name out there is of the utmost importance. Tread carefully though: it’s as …

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Three Tips on Finding the Perfect Internship

Moira Keating is a human resources marketing/employee engagement intern at Milliner & Associates. She will graduate from Marian University in December 2018. 

Most college students know that getting an internship is an integral part of expanding their professional career. Some universities, including mine, even require it. There are websites dedicated to helping student’s find the perfect internship for their majors and/or skill sets, which makes for an easy and comfortable application process. Even uploading your resume to sites such as or LinkedIn could potentially lead to a recruiter contacting you, and from experience, it is exciting when that happens.

Just because there are plenty of places to see postings for an internship these days, doesn’t mean it is easy to get one. Your resume needs to be perfect and sometimes references, a cover letter, and/or a writing sample are required during the application process, and that is …

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So, You Received an Internship Offer – Now What?

After weeks, if not months applying, you receive the call you’ve been looking for: you got the internship! Before saying “yes,” there are a couple of things you should do to make sure that your internship experience is going to be a great one!

Confirm details
Make sure that you are on the same page about your pay rate and schedule you will be working. Determine what your first and last days will be, and mention any planned vacations you may have. This will help your internship supervisor plan ahead for the days you will be absent.

Also, if your company doesn’t have a private parking lot, ask for parking information. Some companies can provide a monthly parking stipend to interns, but some may not be able to. If you will be on your own for parking, ask for the most affordable options, and reserve your …

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In the Middle of the Semester

While you may have finally settled in to the swing of fall semester, you’re about to be shook with midterm exams. Take some advice from the cast of The Middle to help you prepare.

First off, don’t let midterms catch you by surprise and cause you to fail. Keep track of all the deadlines for exams and assignments. It’s best to schedule these important dates in your calendar or planner.


Once you’ve scheduled all of your deadlines, avoid procrastination. Create a workplan to help you break large projects into smaller, more manageable chunks. If you’re writing an essay, don’t forget to add at least a day for proofreading and revision. Nothing is worse than submitting a paper last minute, only to realize you forgot typos.


Do your best to eliminate distractions. There are helpful apps and web browser extensions like StayFocused, Time Out and Cold …

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Indiana’s Best: Fall Festivities

With the growth of local pride and demand for “homegrown” products, there are many opportunities to experience true Hoosier culture. Whether it’s restaurants, attractions, shops or anything in between, we’ll showcase some of our favorite gems that make Indiana a great place to live and work.

Pumpkin spice lattes, campfires and a crisp coolness in the air. Tis’ the season of autumn. The unusually warm weather we’ve been having can’t spoil that wonderful fall feeling. I will eat pumpkin cookies and don cozy sweaters while it’s 80 degrees outside (no shame in my autumn game). However, I feel the cold wind blowing this way next week with temperatures in the 60-70 range. Grab your boots and fleece jackets, folks, we’re going to some of Indiana’s best fall festivities!


Pumpkin patches and apple orchards

Let’s start with the obvious fall activity: picking pumpkins and apples from local farms. While …

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