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Shelby Waligora: Making an IMPACT

Indiana INTERNnet celebrated internship excellence on February 18 at the 14th Annual IMPACT Awards Luncheon. Though the event is over, and the winners have been announced, we are continuing to celebrate the nominees’ successes.

These are their stories.

Shelby Waligora is a senior at DeKalb High School. She completed an internship with The Community Foundation DeKalb County.

Indiana INTERNnet: Congrats on winning High School Intern of the Year at our 2020 IMPACT Awards! Now that your internship is over, what are you up to these days?

Shelby Waligora: Currently I am focusing on finishing my senior year strong at DeKalb High School with the added obstacles. I’m still interning at the Community Foundation; I will hit one year in January. I still hold the title as Promise Intern and still work closely with Promise Enrollment events at DeKalb County schools and still assist in planning the Walk Into My Future event. As time goes …

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Internships Amid COVID-19: More Important Than Ever

The last month has upended the way most of us live our daily lives. When this happens, most of us go back to the basics. We do what we need to do to make it through the day – and not much more. After a few weeks, however, we realize that we can establish new routines. We can do much of what we did previously, even if physically distant from one another during a stay-at-home order. We regain much of our productivity and, before we know it, we wonder why we weren’t using technology so much in the past.

As we set new routines, we can start thinking ahead again. Our first instincts may have been to put our summer internship plans on hold because there were too many questions. For students: Are employers still hosting interns? Will the employer be able to host me if I accept an offer? …

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Survey Results: The Impact of COVID-19 on Summer 2020 Internships

With the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, Indiana INTERNnet wanted to get a clear idea of Indiana employers’ initial reactions to hosting summer 2020 interns. Who received the survey? All employers registered on In addition, it was shared to employer networks by Indiana colleges/universities and economic development organizations. A total of 224 responses were received.

Of those surveyed, 93% (208 employers) indicated that prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, they were planning on hiring interns for summer 2020.

The majority of respondents 66% (138 employers) said they were planning on hiring between one to three interns before the pandemic.

With their current knowledge of events surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, 72% (161 employers) said they still plan on hiring interns. Of that 72%, 74 employers said they still plan on hiring interns with no changes to plans. Eighty-seven employers said they plan on hiring summer 2020 interns, but with changes …

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Zavion Herron: Making an IMPACT

Indiana INTERNnet celebrated internship excellence on February 18 at the 14th Annual IMPACT Awards Luncheon. We are continuing to celebrate the nominees’ successes.

These are their stories.

Zavion Herron is a junior at Riley High School. He completed an internship with the University of Notre Dame Center for Civic Innovation.

Indiana INTERNnet: Congratulations on winning High School Intern of the Year at our 2020 IMPACT Awards! Now that your internship is over, what are you up to?

Zavion Herron: I am just getting through high school, juggling the many things that are in my life now. The new and expansive career brought from the internship, my after-school activities like Science Olympiad and the Riley High School game club I’m co-president of along with my friend Parker Dabney, etc.

IIN: Where are you currently at in your career with the University of Notre Dame Center for Civic Innovation?

ZH: This is technically the fourth …

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Spring, Is That You?

For months I had been anticipating this perfect riding weather. Telling others here at the Indiana INTERNnet how I could not wait to ride my bike into the office instead of taking the Red Line. A few weeks before all this, my fiancĂ© and I had just started up “Reset Sundays,” where we would frequent a different park in the city or surrounding area. We like to get out of our small apartment in downtown Indy. We would walk around for miles and just reconnect with nature and reset for the week ahead.

Fresh Air, Is It Worth It?

The shelter in place order and working from home situation currently happening here in Indiana. Keeping us all cooped up inside plus the beautiful weather have me wanting to go outside for bike ride more than ever, but at what risk?

The truth is that a lot of us …

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My Unexpected Senior Experience

I’m experiencing a less than ideal ending to my undergraduate career.

Yesterday morning, I attended my first online lecture for a course called soil quality. We used a platform called Webex, which felt much like a Skype call. My teacher lectured like normal as if we were in class but only about five of my peers came online (out of 12). This is the only class I have that’s switching over to meeting online during our scheduled class time; and the lab portion of the course is being replaced with shorter take-home assignments.

Other professors chose to create digital spaces where they can be available to students. Mostly, they’re doing this through virtual office hours and Canvas discussion boards. Other than that, course schedules have completely changed. Now on a regular day I download assignments, watch videos, and review PowerPoints in place of class.

The worst …

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Working and Studying from Home

With both city and state governments announcing new guidelines and restrictions to stay healthy and safe, a lot of people are expected to not just stay home, but also work or attend classes from home. There could be a silver lining. No more commuting (at least for the time being), and more opportunities to eat an actual well-balanced meal instead of whatever you can heat up in the office microwave or find in the campus cafeteria. However, in a setting where you’re completely in charge of how you manage your time, you can be your own worst enemy.  Here are some tips to maximize your productivity while working or learning from home.

Respect Your Space

It may be tempting to work from the comfort of a big comfy couch or a cozy bed. Respect your work and the space you work in. Find a designated spot to work at. If …

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Protect Your Health

With the recent virus pandemic escalating and spreading across the world, imposing mandated and voluntary quarantines and now reaching Central Indiana. I don’t want to alarm anyone out there, and while I am not a medical professional. I have worked in a medical facility where sick people arrived to be treated regularly. However, working at the medical center I learned that there are somethings you can do to protect yourself and prevent getting sick.

Mass Hysteria and the Flu

Don’t let this year’s latest strain of influenza virus scare you. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the 2018-2019 flu season was the longest in a decade. Still, people dying from the flu is not new. In fact, also according to the CDC 56,000 people die from flu or flu-like symptoms each year.  So, the best way to prevent viruses and bacteria from spreading is by practicing normal …

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Stay Safe Spring Breakers

Spring Break Pro-Tips

If you’re going to a sunny warm beach this spring break, here are some tips to maximize the fun and minimize unpleasantness.

Drink Responsibly

Don’t be that sloppy guy or gal, be smart about what you’re consuming.  Especially if you’re in a location were the weather is warm, you want to make sure you’re hydrating properly. It’s also smart to not drink and swim if you are near the ocean, or even just the pool.

Sun Care

While sunburns are no fun, you should also remember no one is immune to skin cancer. Sunblock will block any harmful rays from the sun and keep you safe.  Put on sunblock and do so regularly throughout your time in the sun. A broad-spectrum, water-resistant SPF of 30 or higher is recommended by professionals. Avoid tanning beds before a trip. Protect your eyes with glasses, a hat or visor.

Protect Your …

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My Final Career Fair

Last Wednesday, I attended my last career fair as an undergraduate student on Ball State’s campus.

If you would have even mouthed the words “career fair” too close to me about two years ago, I would’ve probably run very fast in the opposite direction. This time around I took a different approach – I took advantage.

I stood in line for some free, much-needed professional headshots. After that I explored the fair. I initially came to scope out Indiana INTERNnet’s table and show some love, but it took me a while to find. After walking past too many swag bags to count I decided it was time to act.

I gravitated to a table for a company called Impact, an IT company mainly looking for entry-level sales representatives (if I remember correctly). The table was covered in a deep red tablecloth and their display was interesting, so I stopped. The …

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Organization for Your Peace of Mind

It’s easy to neglect staying organized and planning ahead. The last thing you want to do when you’re busy is take time out of your day to make sure everything is in order. But organization truly helps your life go more smoothly, and investing a little bit of time now will make a big impact later.

Planners are Our Friends

Plan your day, plan your week, plan your life, the future you will thank you. I like the physical act of writing a to-do list and there’s something really satisfying about checking off tasks on your list.

It doesn’t have to be expensive either. You can go the traditional route and get a cheap planner. There are also tons of free printables and templates to create your own DIY planner. You could even get creative and design your planner using a blank notebook or journal, markers and colorful pens.

There …

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Balancing Work and Wellness

As a student and employee, it’s important to balance work and school. Everyone should make sure their health is a priority. Health is one of those things that we all often overlook until we’re no longer healthy enough to carry out our daily tasks. This is especially annoying when there’s a big test or work event. As basic as it sounds, taking care of yourself by eating properly and working out will ensure you are operating at an optimal level.

Of course, when trying to balance classes, work, an internship, extracurricular activities and possibly a social life, the last thing on most people’s minds is three well-balanced meals and 30 minutes of exercise a day for five days a week. However, shifting your mindset about this is the key here. It’s self-care of the most vital form. How can you expect to kill it every day when you’re being fueled …

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4 Tips to Conquer College Senioritis

College senioritis is different from high school senioritis.

At its very core you might be thinking, “well aren’t they the same thing?” and in many ways, you’re right. By this point in your academic career it’s your fourth year at yet another institution and you’re probably tired. Don’t get me wrong, though, college is still a very exciting place. The social aspect is finally comfortable, you have your friends and social circles set in stone. However, the coursework is a different story. It’s become repetitive and tedious in some ways. And since you’re so close to finally getting out into the world and starting your career you have to plan for that, too.

It might seem like a good idea to push aside all your responsibilities until they start to catch up with you because it is just so overwhelming to think about, right?

Wrong. Senioritis can cost you if …

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Meet the Intern: Judi Bustamante


My name is Judi Bustamante, the new admin and outreach intern at Indiana INTERNnet for spring 2020. I am very excited to be a part of such a brilliant organization. I graduated from Indiana University – Indianapolis, with a Bachelor of Liberal Arts in Journalism with a concentration in public relations and a creative writing minor.

While at IUPUI, I was a member of the Native American Student Alliance and Public Relations Student Society of America. I also helped the Latinas Welding Guild with videography, photography and anything media related in my spare time.

My family and I moved to Indianapolis when I was an infant, so I call myself an honorary Hoosier. I am a first-generation Nicaraguan-American and am fluent in Spanish. Cruising the city by bike, especially at night, is one of my favorite pastimes. I am a fan of old architecture and love what …

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Meet the Intern: Alysse Harges


My name is Alysse Harges, and I am very excited to be the outreach intern for spring 2020 here at Indiana INTERNnet.

I’m a second semester senior at Ball State University studying public relations with a double minor in sociology and natural resources. Originally from the Windy City, I attended Chicago High School for Agricultural Sciences and graduated from DeVry University Advantage Academy. I played tennis and volleyball during my high school career, but my favorite was track and field. I am a huge fan of city living and iced coffee on a hot summer day.

On campus, I’m a member of Alpha Phi Omega, the largest coeducational service fraternity in the U.S. I serve on both the service and pledge committee, taking an active role in orchestrating service projects and bringing in a new class of initiates. My favorite place …

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