Tag Archives: Behavior

Interview Like a S.T.A.R.

Entry by Pat Patterson

From the January 2011 INTERNnetwork:

In internship interviews, employers commonly ask behavioral interview questions that focus on past events in your life and your responses.  Since a student will typically not have much work experience, behavioral interview questions are open-ended questions that focus on past performances to assess behavior – in particular, how you may respond to similar situations in the future.  “Can you tell me about a goal you accomplished at a previous job?” is an example of a behavioral interview question.

Since behavioral interview questions are open-ended, they can be difficult to answer.  Therefore, you need to be prepared.  The S.T.A.R. technique for interviewing is a method for thoroughly answering behavioral interview questions.  Using the S.T.A.R. technique, you describe your actions in past situations to answer behavioral questions. 

S.T.A.R. is an acronym for Situation, Task, Action, Result.

Situation – Provide some …

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