Tag Archives: engineer

Brandon Brinkley: Making an IMPACT

Indiana INTERNnet celebrated internship excellence on Feb. 4, 2015, at the 9th Annual IMPACT Awards luncheon. Though the event is over and the winners have been announced, we are continuing to celebrate the nominees’ successes.

These are their stories.

IIN: You read prints, studied parts and worked with operators to optimize the designs for production gauges and minimize costs. How was this experience?

BB: It was a great experience. At one point, we were having a significant amount of nonconforming parts, and I was asked to investigate and see if I could determine the source of the nonconforming pieces. I took multiple measurements and tracked an entire batch of parts through their production process. I recorded all dimensions and checked each piece with its go-nogo gauge. I noticed that in several instances, the results of the measurements would be within specification, but would fail the go-nogo gauge.

After inspecting …

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