Tag Archives: Finals

Tips for Surviving Finals Week

For many students, finals week is either here or rapidly approaching. It’s easy to get stressed and overwhelmed with finals. You have an entire semester’s worth of work coming together into one exam or project. No pressure, right? But don’t worry. You can handle it! Here are a few tips for surviving finals week.

Study Groups

It might sound obvious, but utilizing study groups can really benefit you! It gives you the opportunity to go over concepts you may not understand. It’s always helpful to have a few other people around so you don’t feel isolated. But make sure you’re contributing to the group as well. You don’t want to show up without knowing anything and just use your fellow classmates for their knowledge. That just makes them resent you. A great way to participate in a study group is by pretending to teach concepts from the class. It helps …

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The Best Things To Do in Indiana This Winter

I know that we just had Thanksgiving break and most people are thinking about finals week (which is just around the corner), but that doesn’t mean you can’t still have fun and spend some time with family and friends. A couple weeks ago I curated a list that was perfect for the fall/spooky time but now it is time for winter/snowy season

Christmas at the Zoo – Indianapolis, IN

Christmas at the Zoo is a classic for the holidays. Lights, hot cocoa and cute animals make for the perfect night out with friends or family. While there are some inside portions be prepared to be outside for most of the evening. The lights are stunning and offer a ton of great places to take pictures.

Light Displays – All Over Indiana

Another great option to experience lights is Winterlights at Newfields. Take a stroll through the thousands of lights and …

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Self-Care for the end of the Semester

Right now, life is basically the prime example of “too much to do and not enough time to do it.” Classes are getting ready for finals, projects are due, and life has to fit somewhere in there. Not to make this all about me, but I’m working a job on-campus, interning downtown, taking 18 credit hours, and planning a whole university formal, so things are pretty tough right now. I know I can’t be the only one dealing with a lot, so I came up with a list of things to do that help me relax or calm down when I’m stressed. I should mention that these are things most people don’t think of or at least talk about so you can get some new self-care tips!

Spend the whole day doing nothing

Sometimes when things get really hectic, I like to plan at least one day during the weekend …

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Finals: Setting Yourself Up For Success

We’re nearly at the end of November. If you’re in school, that means one of the most dreaded times of the year is coming up: finals week. You still have some time to set yourself up for success, and take it from me, you want to start now instead of procrastinating. So, what can you do to make sure your finals go smoothly?

Start preparing early.

You’ve probably heard it a million times, but it still rings true: start preparing for finals now instead of a few days before your exams. It’s so much easier to retain information when studying at a normal pace. Create a study schedule and stick to it! This makes studying far more approachable than trying to tackle everything at once.

How much are your finals worth?

As bad as it sounds, it isn’t worth it to study just as hard for a final that’s worth …

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10 Tips to Avoid End of Semester Burnout

Entry by Valerie Petrey, Public Relations & Event Planning Intern, Purdue Liberal Arts Career Development


 1. Stay organized
Keep an agenda or calendar. Write down the days and times of when all of your papers, projects and exams are due. This will serve as a great outline for you to refer to, and will ensure you don’t accidentally mix up times or dates.

2. Don’t pull an all-nighter
If you did number one, you hopefully won’t be pulling all nighters! Know your grades beforehand, and know how well you have to do on the exam or final project to get the grade you want. Be realistic and manage your time wisely. Splitting up study hours will also allow you to rejuvenate yourself.

3. Wrap up final internship projects
It’s not a good idea to try and fit last minute meetings …

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