Tag Archives: First Internship

Getting Into A Nine To Five Routine

With this being my first professional job, I have never had to experience the struggle that is the nine to five routine. It was an extremely hard task for the first couple of days. It took time getting used to waking up early and working all day. My past retail jobs offered me a few experiences of working an all-day shift, but it was never very consistent. I wanted to share some tips that I have come across when it comes to getting used to working a full day for the first time.

Get some rest

Even though it might be the summer right now, going to bed early is the biggest piece of advice I can give. Instead of staying up all night watching Netflix, putting your phone down earlier can help. The eight-hour sleep theory is true, and I have experienced it firsthand. Making sure you are fully …

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Advice For Starting Your First Internship

When I got offered the job here at Indiana INTERNnet, I was a freshman in college. At that time, I had no idea what being an intern really meant or what I was getting myself into. As I’m finishing up my third week on the job, I have come across some helpful hints for starting your first internship and what to expect.

First Day Nerves                         

For me, my first day was terrifying. I was so nervous about what to do, what to say, how to act, and everything in-between. I did not want to make myself stand out in any way, or say the wrong thing, which made everything worse. The whole day was amazing and I could go back to that day and just tell myself that everything was fine. My first piece of advice is one …

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