Tag Archives: High school

State of Change: Why It’s Important to Share Your Story

“State of Change” is a documentary that aired Sept. 6 on WFYI. For those who missed it (it’s now available online), the film follows three Indiana students – Shannon, Dengke and Jaedyn – as they take a road trip around the state, interviewing different professionals in some of Indiana’s leading industries. Each student comes from a unique background and has questions about their future that they’re looking to answer.

It shows a time many know well, whether you’re a high school or college student; an entry-level or seasoned professional. The transition from graduating high school to entering college and charting the path for your future can be a difficult one.

The interviews led to valuable lessons: the path to your ideal career doesn’t have to be linear, a career field’s work might differ from your assumptions and the importance of interacting with a variety of people in a field you’re …

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Flashback Friday: My High School Internship

The concept of high school interns may seem strange. Don’t most high schoolers work at fast food restaurants or mow lawns, if they have a job at all? When you think of a typical intern, you probably think of a college student or a twenty-something trying to ease their way into a full-time position. High school interns are becoming more common as the job market becomes more competitive and the demand for more relevant work experience increases.

When I was 17, I got an internship at VYPE Magazine Central Indiana, a local branch of a national high school sports magazine. My dad occasionally took photos for the VYPE magazine and web site, and I jumped on the opportunity to work with them. I was a senior in high school and I knew I wanted to go to college to major in journalism, but I had no idea what I wanted …

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High School Internships Blaze Career Paths

Career-development activities aren’t just for college and graduate students anymore. As labor and learning initiatives grow with the needs of our shifting economy, educators and employers are beginning to emphasize the importance of internships and work-and-learn experiences for the younger demographic.

High school students should be considered as young professionals. When you factor in the multi-tasking of their studies, athletic activities, managing relationships with friends and family, and acing their SATs for the hopes of attending their dream university, they truly understand how to balance work with play. Navigating through the occasional drama and misfit adventures, students graduate high school with a better understanding of their self-worth. But do they have a better understanding of a future career path? These students are the key demographic who need expert career guidance, in order to ensure professional success beyond the classroom.

These young students have the potential to take charge of their …

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Indiana College and Career Pathways

Entry by Pat Patterson

The Indiana Department of Education is currently reaching out to Businesses and Industries throughout the state to create awareness of College and Career Pathways.  College and Career Pathways are an aligned sequence of courses that prepare high school students for college and career success.

The pathway plans focus on easing a students’ transition from high school to community college; from pre-college courses to post-secondary programs; and from community college to university or employment.

The Indiana Department of Education is also providing opportunities for companies to review the curriculum that has been developed.  Their goal is to ensure the pathway plans designed for Indiana students meet employer needs in a growing and changing economy.

Input of business and industry representatives who understand the type of courses/content that will prepare our Indiana students upon graduation from high school is essential to their goals.

If you would like to …

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College Touring: Don’t Forget the Career Services Office

Entry by Pat Patterson

In the current competitive job market, students need to begin thinking about and planning for their potential careers early on in their college experience.  Since students go to college to attain an education that will eventually be used to secure a career, students (and parents) should explore each college’s career services office on their campus visits.  A recent news release from Wake Forest University echoes this sentiment: 

As high school students and their parents begin the annual fall ritual of campus visits, experts are recommending that families make the career office one of the first stops on any college tour. “In this competitive job market, the tools and resources that a career office provide have become nearly as important as academics when choosing a college or university,” said Patrick Sullivan, Associate Director of Experiential Education at Wake Forest University.

In fact, college internships can be one …

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