Tag Archives: Madison Stis

Intern-to-Hire: Madison Stis

Madison Stis was nominated for the 2017 IMPACT Awards for her outstanding work at her internship with the Indiana State Fair Commission. After her Employment Office internship, she was hired as a full-time assistant manager of human resources. Stis graduated from Indiana University with a major in health administration and a minor in human resource management.

Indiana INTERNnet: Describe your internship with The Indiana State Fair (ISF). What was the most valuable experience?

Madison Stis: My internship at the ISF was the best experience I couldā€™ve had. I was shown major aspects of human resources in a very short time period and received excellent hands-on experience. Mark Anderson, the director of human resources at the ISF, really helped me grow and realize human resources was the field I wanted to pursue. The most valuable experience I had at the ISF was the ability to hire and schedule the employees …

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