Tag Archives: Teamwork

Job-Ready Prep for College Students

Whether you are a bright-eyed freshman or a senior counting down the days until graduation, it’s never too late to learn the best techniques to prepare for the real world. And by real world, I mean the world outside of your dorms, where meal points disappear and your class schedule turns into a full-time work schedule.

When it’s time to transition from campus to career, students should understand that although a college degree can boost your earning potential and improve your resume, it is only a small part of the employment equation. Hiring managers look for applicants who not only have the skills necessary for the job, but also whether the applicant would be a good fit in their company culture. They look for professionalism, confidence, self-motivation and willingness to accept challenges. Many of these qualities aren’t a pre-requisite for your diploma, but are learned through practice and experience. Internships, …

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Appreciate & Communicate

Entry by Brittney Horn, Membership Intern, Greater Lafayette Commerce

No matter where you work, there is most likely going to be someone that you just don’t see eye-to-eye with.  Let’s face it – it’s inevitable that you aren’t going to get along with every single person you meet in your entire life.  In the work place, it is even more prone to happen because you are surrounded by the same people for at least 40 hours a week.

Unless if you are one of those “I get along with everyone all the time no matter what” kinds of people (which is rare, and if you are one of those people, I congratulate you) you will experience feelings of frustration with other co-workers.  These feelings happen especially when you don’t understand where the other person is coming from.  This can happen often when you work with people with different types of …

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