Tag Archives: The Middle

In the Middle of the Semester

While you may have finally settled in to the swing of fall semester, you’re about to be shook with midterm exams. Take some advice from the cast of The Middle to help you prepare.

First off, don’t let midterms catch you by surprise and cause you to fail. Keep track of all the deadlines for exams and assignments. It’s best to schedule these important dates in your calendar or planner.


Once you’ve scheduled all of your deadlines, avoid procrastination. Create a workplan to help you break large projects into smaller, more manageable chunks. If you’re writing an essay, don’t forget to add at least a day for proofreading and revision. Nothing is worse than submitting a paper last minute, only to realize you forgot typos.


Do your best to eliminate distractions. There are helpful apps and web browser extensions like StayFocused, Time Out and Cold …

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